1885 - Jewish compser Frederick Rothstein, litho by Sackett and Wilhelms, from Edison/Corning coll.
1843 - Spoodlyks litho for Endicott Lithography, Washington Irving on top
1832 - D.C. Johnston litho, signed by James F. Otis, abolitionist, recanted
c.1840's - George Cruickshank engraving of Fairy Land characters
1869 - the Great Hindle (Annie), famous male impersonator, Robert Teller litho, NY, rare
1868 - cross-dressing star, litho by Major and Knapp
1873 - Harrigan & Hart, NY, artist unknown, very rare in color
1866 - great Irish lyrics, Fenian asso., litho by J. M. Nevin (?), composer may well be Armand Blackmar